
Jesus Lane Trust

Thank you for considering partnering with the JLT financially.

Under God we rely on our donors to enable our vision of seeing students in Cambridge graduate mature in Christ and thus prepared for a lifetime of wholehearted Christian service.

It is our pleasure as a charity to provide funding so that people can devote themselves full-time to gospel ministry amongst students in Cambridge. We currently support people in both student worker and ministry intern roles within the StAG student ministry.

To continue funding our current gospel workers we need approximately £200,000 each year but our regular donations last year were some way below this. This makes us dependent on one-off gifts each year to make up the shortfall. We would love to be more financially stable as a charity through a growth in regular giving. So, if you are able to commit to giving regularly we would very much appreciate that as it would help us plan with more clarity. 

We would be so grateful if you felt able to partner with us financially in any way. Thank you for your consideration.

Thanks so much for wanting to give to the JLT regularly. Your donations will enable the gospel to be shared with students in Cambridge and so, godwilling, gospel workers to be sent into the world. 

Please email to let us know the intended amount, frequency and start date of your donation (most giving partners donate monthly). We will reply with our bank details so you can set up a standing order.

We are also able to receive gifts via CAF, Stewardship and GAYE.

However you give we’d be so grateful if you would add Gift Aid using the form below if applicable.

Thanks so much for wanting to give a one-off donation to the JLT. Your donation will enable the gospel to be shared with students in Cambridge and so, godwilling, gospel workers to be sent into the world. 

Ideally, make your donation to the Jesus Lane Trust via CAF, Stewardship, GAYE or via your online banking.

Please email to ask for our bank details if needed.

Alternatively, we can still accept cheques (payable to ‘The Jesus Lane Trust’). Please send these to:

The Jesus Lane Trust Treasurer
C/O St Andrew the Great Church Office
St Andrew the Great
St Andrews Street

However you give we’d be so grateful if you would add Gift Aid using the form below if applicable.

Thank you so much for wanting to leave the JLT a legacy- we are honoured. Your gift will enable the gospel to be shared with students in Cambridge and so, godwilling, gospel workers to be sent to the world.  We would love to hear that you have decided to remember the JLT in your Will and the story that has motivated your gift.

It is worth noting that a gift to the JLT in your Will won’t count towards the total taxable value of your estate. This is called leaving a ‘charitable legacy’. You can cut the Inheritance Tax rate on the rest of your estate from 40% to 36% if you leave at least 10% of your ‘net estate’ to a charity.

Your solicitor is the best person to advise you on the detailed wording for your legacy to the JLT. You might wish to use the wording below to aid your thinking about your precise wishes.

  • For a residuary legacy (what remains of your estate once family and friends have been taken care and/or all debts have been cleared): I give all (or a share) of the residue of my estate to The Jesus Lane Trust, St. Andrew the Great, St. Andrews Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AX, registered charity number 292017, absolutely for its general purposes, and I direct that the receipt(s) of the JLT Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
  • For a pecuniary legacy (a specific sum of money you wish to donate in your Will): I give to The Jesus Lane Trust, St. Andrew the Great, St. Andrews Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AX, registered charity number 292017, the sum of: £ (figures) £ (words) absolutely for its general purposes, and I direct that the receipt(s) of the JLT Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.
  • For a specific legacy (a specific item such as a piece of jewellery, antique furniture or even your house): I give to The Jesus Lane Trust, St. Andrew the Great, St. Andrews Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AX, registered charity number 292017, my: (description of property) absolutely for its general purposes, and I direct that the receipt(s) of the JLT Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors.

It is so helpful if you are able to add Gift Aid because it allows us to claim back 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.

In order for us to be able to claim Gift Aid you need to pay sufficient tax during the tax year in which you make the donation(s). The amount of tax you pay must be at least equal to the value of Gift Aid to be claimed. For example, if you kindly gave us £1000 you would need to have paid £250 in tax last tax year for us to claim Gift Aid on it.

Click here to fill in the Gift Aid Declaration.